Collectivization, from "Land and Freedom" (1995), directed by Ken Loach

This is the movie I start my International Politics on Film course with: an Orwell-inspired portrayal of a young Englishman who joins a Marxist militia (the POUM) in the Spanish Civil War. The central scene, probably the most famous in Loach's oeuvre, is largely improvised with numerous non-professional actors, conveying the spontaneity and boisterousness of grassroots revolution. Seeds are also planted here for the crushing of the militia by Stalinist forces at the film's climax. Once again, I managed to hardcode English subtitles, and so far YouTube has let it stand -- with certain copyright restrictions; if you can't access it, there's a lower-quality rip linked below.

Lower-quality rip with subtitles:

Betrayed from Within (article)

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