Globe Scene, from "The Great Dictator" (1940), directed by Charles Chaplin

Another highlight of my International Politics on Film course. Chaplin's film still seems amazingly fresh, never more so than in this iconic scene. The dialogue between Adenoid Hinkel and Garbitsch (Henry Daniell) is preposterously funny -- Hinkel's reaction when Garbitsch promises he will be "worshipped like a god" is one of Chaplin's most delightful comedic moments. But the exchange is also chilling -- no other major movie of this period spoke of "Jews" so directly as victims of fascism. Then Garbitsch exits, Hinkel is alone with his dreams of world conquest, and we get one of the most sublime scenes in movies. Another hi-definition rip by yours truly, from the Criterion special edition of The Great Dictator.

Chaplin Today: The Great Dictator (documentary)

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